sam bogoch

DV Expo 2013: axle

Last night at the LACPUG meeting, I had the opportunity to meet Sam Bogoch, CEO of axle. His company creates media management software. It seems that axle is positioned for a wide variety of users, from independent post houses all the way up to non-profits and corporations.

Sam invited me out to DV Expo to demo the web-based software panel for me and it looks very cool. I could see myself using this with some of the news producers I work with. Instead of having them load the clips at home for logging and review. I could host the files on my end and they could stream the clips with timecode on their end. That would allow me to maintain control of the filenames, log notes, keywords, etc…

One interesting note is that the video content does not need to reside in a specific place on your hard drive. It can be anywhere – perhaps even in the FCP Event folder. Here’s an interview with Sam discussing axle’s software.
