Final Cut Pro X 10.1.2 is out in the wild!

Very exciting morning here at ye olde Garbershoppe. Apple just released FCP X 10.1.2 to the wild. There are some great features in there. Check it out!

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For an in-depth analysis, check out Philip Hodgetts’s blog:

One key feature which is going to really make working in groups with FCP X much easier is the ability to store Optimized, Proxy, and Rendered media outside of the Library.

I’ll update more on this as time permits… Busy day!

Last stop on my FCP X Road Tour tonight at LACPUG!

It’s been a great week of traveling up and down the California coast from L.A. to S.F. to Petaluma to Oakland and back to L.A. Last night, I taught a class on Prepping, Editing, and Delivering with FCP X at the Motion Picture Editors Guild. Everyone there was really interested in FCP X. The good news is that there was only one person who gave me a hard time… Eric, I’m talkin’ to you! 😉

And so, tonight rounds out my whirlwind week, thus ending my so-called “FCP X Road Tour.” I’ll be presenting Arctic Whiteness Final Cut Library Manager and Andreas Kiel’s X-Title Importer at the LACPUG. These are two great apps that do some amazing things which help increase your productivity when using FCP.

Final Cut Library Manager does pretty much what its name implies. It will manage the generated media (proxies and transcodes) that reside inside your libraries. Also it keeps track of the location for all your libraries across multiple drives.

X-Title Importer is one of the most intuitive third party tools for FCP X which allows you to add subtitles to timelines. I highly recommend it and I’m using it on a job right now.

What is also great about these apps is that the developers are very responsive. When I’ve had issues, they’ve all gotten in touch with me and in some cases worked out bugs within a very short amount of time. Definitely check these out.

Hope to see you at the LACPUG tonight!

My FCP X road show continues… Motion Picture Editors Guild on 6/24 & LACPUG on 6/25


Next week, I will be rounding out my “FCP X Road Show.” On Tuesday, June 24th at 7:30 PM I’ll be teaching a class on Prepping, Editing and Delivering with FCP X at the Motion Picture Editors Guild in Hollywood. Topics to be covered are:

  • Broadcast commercial prep and delivery inside of FCP X and with the use of 3rd party apps
  • Advanced logging methods to make FCP X work for you
  • Editing & color correction tips and tricks
  • Deliver your sound mixer the most detailed AAF of any NLE


Then, on Wednesday, June 25th, I’ll be presenting a demonstration of Arctic Whiteness Final Cut Library Manager at the LACPUG. I might even try to squeak in another product I’m working with right now if time permits. Info and directions can be found here:

And last, thanks so much to everyone for watching the FCP X virtual user group round table last week. I’d like to give a huge thanks to Alex Lindsay, Steve Martin, and Mark Spencer for having me on the first one of these live user groups. If you missed it, you can watch the replay of it here:

Alex Lindsay and his team have created a really cool app that logs the questions that people ask. You can quickly select that question that you want to watch and go right to it. What a great idea.

Catch me on the MacBreak FCP X Virtual User Group Roundtable this Thursday, 6/19 @ 6PM PST

The other day, I mentioned that I was going to be on an FCP X road tour (of sorts) for the next couple weeks. Well, that tour begins this coming Thursday! I’ll be in beautiful Petaluma, CA on the Final Cut Pro X Virtual User Group Roundtable. Alex Lindsay, Steve Martin, Sam Mestman, Mark Spencer, and I will be taking questions from users about FCP X. You can check out the Youtube live stream through the link below:

On Tuesday, June 24th, I’ll be teaching a class on Prepping, Logging, and Finishing in FCP X at the Editor’s Guild in Los Angeles. The night after that, I’ll be presenting a demonstration of Final Cut Library Manager at the LACPUG.

I think I need to change my title from editor to professional demo artist… well, for this month at least ;-). I’ll provide more info on these events later in the week.

The Constantly Evolving List of FCP X Tips & Tutorials

There are a ton of great tip videos, tutorials and blog posts for FCP X out there. It’s a pretty exciting time for sharing all of the great time-savers and tricks we’ve learned over the past few years. We have Creative Cow,, MacBreak Studio, the multitude of Facebook FCP X groups, #FCPX on Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, and, of course, all those editor blogs (including yours truly). To put it plainly, FCP X videos and articles are everywhere and I don’t see this trend slowing down any time soon.

In the interest of culling together an updated list of the best resources, I’m posting some of my favorites. I’ll update this list whenever something pops up that catches my eye.

Check back regularly to this post for updates.

Apologies if I forgot anyone. Like I said, this is an evolving list. Please let me know if there are any not-to-be missed posts out there.

An EXPLOSIVE, once in a lifetime Final Cut Pro X tutorial!

*Special thanks to for posting the tutorial on their site!

This tutorial marks the beginning of kind of a crazy, exciting, and fun month for me. I’ll be on a bit of a homespun FCP X roadshow. I promise to make announcements as they occur.

In this video, you’ll learn about some of my logging techniques that I’ve employed on commercials and corporate documentaries. From building radio cuts to making sure scenes and takes are properly logged for an edit session, much of what you’ll see can also be applied to other types of projects. My hope is that you’ll learn a few tips and tricks and integrate these methods into your own work.

I look forward to the next few weeks and letting you all know what’s going on here at the hallowed halls of Garbershop. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy the FCP X tutorial goodness.