color correction

Color Correcting in FCP X Webinar

It’s been a busy couple of weeks over here at the Garbershop. I finished my video about Mt. Zion Cemetery, which I shot last year. I’ve been working again at Discovery Agency using FCP X. And I have also been cutting two jobs over at my office, a promotional video that I shot for a friend who is a patent attorney and VAM for Showtime.

On top of that, I’ve been scripting and rehearsing my next webinar for Moviola, which will focus on color correction in FCP X. It will be done in four parts. I will explain the color correction capabilities from an editor’s perspective, starting with the basics and working up to some more complicated shots. It’s all very practical, real world stuff. I use footage from actual jobs that I’ve cut over the past few months. No demo trickery here!

I highly recommend checking it out if you have the time. You’ll need to sign up in advance to watch it live on March 3rd. Or you can catch it after the fact, but they charge a small amount for it (which I do get a small percentage of, so please purchase or rent it if you can!).

You can register here: